The A-2-Z Picker

Welcome to a blog all about "picking:; why I pick, how I got started; wonderful finds that I share with you.

Monday, August 12, 2019

How to Build a Totem

  Why and how I create my TeaPot Totems.  A question I get asked quite often. Why has to do with passion.  I need to be creative.  So, let's get on to how....
 First, one needs ready access to the teapots themselves and tea related bits and pieces.  A good working drill helps.  And a hammer and a space to make a mess.  
  I start first with Home Depot, my home away from home.  I realize quickly the need to find a clerk who actually knows of what they speak.  Being female in what is a male dominated candy store, I have more times then I can count, been subjected to "off the top of the head answers", so the (male) clerk can move on to give real help.  
  In luck, I locate an elderly male clerk who understood my request and took me straight to the right drill bit.  Didn't look like what I wanted, but then, that's why I needed help. He also pointed the way to the stores rebar section.  A (female-young, not dressed for her job), apologized when I brought several pieces of rebar to the check-out.  "Sorry about the dirt on these things", she said.  "Hope your husband can use them".  Well, yes....but they are mine!
  Next stop Goodwill:  In my neck of the woods, Goodwill declares every-other-Saturday, 50% off day.  Woo-Hoo.  Teapot Heaven.  Tea Bits.  Pieces of Heaven.  I find Teapots in every color, every shape and every size.  And, if that weren't enough, I see...I visualize the bits and pieces that will work, too.  Small creamers, candle holders, salad plates, pint-size vases; I look for shapes and colors as I (literally) fill my shopping cart.  
  Goodwill in this big city is close by...close by just about everything and everywhere I go.  I can easily count 5 stores within 5 miles.  Depending on how big the crowds are on 50% day, the parking situation and how tired I get standing in line, I manage to hit two or three shops.  I can see people groan when they note all the china in my cart and are stuck behind me.  I assure the clerk that I don't need fancy (paper) wrapping.  Just sticking them in a bag works for me.  That makes the clerk happy, as well.  Now to start on the actual building....these are ART, after all.  Short of dropping the entire bag, speed to get started is my push.....

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